Expert Advice
Lighting Control & Design: Pathway Lighting
A well-designed lighting control system focuses not only on the aesthetics of the home but how you use your home as well. Start by thinking through your daily routine and the areas you walk between most frequently, particularly in the dark.
Not only does pathway lighting look great, but it’s incredibly convenient, conserves energy, and helps ensure the safety of you, your family, and your guests.
How Technology Enables Immersive Film and TV Experiences
When you’re reading a book, you create images of the story in your mind. You envision how the characters and settings appear. Movies and TV aren’t like that. Instead, a director and the actors have control over the characters, their movements on screen, and the visual elements you encounter (or don’t).
How Does Lighting Control Impact the Design of a Home?
The goal of designers and architects is to design beautiful homes for their clients — inside and out. Well-planned lighting can play a major role in achieving the look that these professionals and the homeowners are looking for.
Whether it’s highlighting certain detail or accents in the home, or simply providing the right ambiance, good lighting is important.
Integrating Technology in Your Home Without Compromising Design
Since the first consumer electronics arrived in homes across America, there has always been a struggle to find the perfect balance between the functionality that home electronics provide and maintaining the aesthetic of the home.
Today, there are more options than ever before that enable us to merge high-performance tech seamlessly with the aesthetic of a home.
The Audio Advice Story: How it All Started
In the early 70s, things were still “60s groovy.” Electric Ladyland was still fresh on everyone’s mind. The Beatles weren’t together anymore, but the former members were releasing solo albums. This was the world Leon inhabited when he arrived at Wake Forest University to begin his freshman year. Rock and roll, vinyl LPs, Jimmy Page, Keith Moon, the Stones.
Classic Rock wasn’t classic yet. It was just Rock.
Listening Rooms: Todays Hottest Home Trend
Over the last several years, interior design has trended toward more openness and fewer unused rooms. People want to use their homes. In new construction, buyers are opting for open floor plans that all but force them to use every precious square foot.
Listening rooms, or dedicated spaces for enjoying music, are part of this larger “use your home” trend.
Rega Planar 3 Turntable Setup Guide
It took them two years to develop the all new Planar 3. Their team improved every aspect of this turntable; offering first and foremost, incredible sonic performance, and improved ergonomics and usability. With just a few simple steps, you will be able to hear your vinyl like never before on the new Planar 3.
Should You Download Music in Lossless or Lossy Formats?
If listening to a lossless music file is akin to viewing an original Dali painting in a gallery, listening to a lossy file is like looking at the same painting in Google Images. Is it the same piece of art? Fundamentally, yes. But it’s missing the level of detail you experience when viewing the work in person.
Rega RP1 Setup Guide
The Rega RP1 is an innovation in design and sound quality at an affordable price point. Setup is designed to be simple and removes the need to manually balance the tonearm. The clean lines eliminate unnecessary clutter while the high stability motor reduces noise.
How to Set Up a Turntable - A Beginner's Guide
Welcome to the world of vinyl! Whether this is your first turntable or an upgrade, this setup guide will get you spinning vinyl as quickly as possible.
How to Choose an Audio Video & Home Technology Provider
Every family is different, so there aren’t universal solutions that work well for everyone. You need a provider that will take the time to understand your needs, develop a plan that fits the way you will use the technology in your home, and performs quality work with products that are built to last.
Here are some important things to keep in mind while choosing an audio/video and home technology provider for your project.
A Guide to Home Theater Seating
Lots of things go into the formula for putting together a great home theater experience. You’ve obviously got to nail the sound and picture. Another factor we feel gets overlooked can be the actual room itself and how it does from an acoustic standpoint, but what I want to talk about today is the component that holds you up for a few hours: the home theater seating!