heco aurora speaker series overview

Heco Aurora Speaker Series Overview

Heco Aurora models have been heralded by independent US-based reviewers as offering extraordinary value for their price. We thought it would be fun to take a deeper look at the Aurora series to dive into the tech that makes up these exceptional speakers.
Heco Ambient On-Wall Speaker Review

Heco Ambient On-Wall Speaker Review

Heco Ambient speakers are equipped with integrated, extremely flat mounting fixtures, which make wall installation extremely easy. They are the perfect solution if you live in a rental or temporary home, or for those who do not want to cut holes in your walls. If you're into home theater, you know you get the most immersive experience if all of your speakers are closely matched. Heco makes this easier than any speaker line we have seen with all of their models using the same type of speaker components, allowing you to mix models and sizes, to get the combination that is perfect for your room and budget.